Friday, October 07, 2005

Oil politics, Ecuador, SA

Originally uploaded by Cameron/Duff.
Translation: To fight for a life with dignity in El Oriente is to be a terrorist. Long live the fight.

So, oil is being harvested a rapid pace from the jungle, El Oriente, in Ecuador. There are many mixed feelings around this. The oil is generally being exported to the US, from what I understand, and a much more common graffiti states "El petroleo es del pueblo"- the Oil belongs to the people. In talking to people, some people think the oil exportation is good because it has helped the country get out of debt and provided jobs. Others feel very strongly against it, as the oil mining is having seriously detrimental affects on the rainforest and its native inhabitants. Vamos a ver. We´ll see what its like as we are going to go through some of the oil territory (as soon as Camdog recovers).


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