We lost two days of school to snow (cars sliding in unplowed streets, shrieking children sliding down hills, hot tea, wet socks), and I personally lost another two days to a virus (croaky voice, clammy sheets, a 700 page trashy novel, infinite episodes of the Sopranos, hacking cough), and now I go back to it. I have not really thought of school, yet my inbox is full of questions and I have no answers, More than school I ponder will i ever have children? Will we own our own house? What will i do to make a living when this school year is over? How will i deal with a regular job with so few breaks....
"Be at rest," the elderly lady in crushed velvet said to Cameron as she inspected the fit of a coat at the vintage clothing store, a lazy stop over as we waited for our movie to start. Yes, I have been at rest, and am resistant to grinding back into motion.